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Contact Half Star Hotels

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Questions, Comments? You speak. We listen.

Email: info@HalfStarHotels.com
Fax:  +1 646-514-0698

Call Half Star Hotels.

+1 813-474-0069

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Worldwide Shipping

The... Where? Anywhere, anything can be transported or traveled. Wherever you are, we can get you covered in our exclusive product line, including overseas.

Best Quality

The... What? Top quality delivery, services, and products available. Our merchandise is made with the best quality materials for your comfort and durability.

Best Offers

The... Why? Because every one deserves the best value. Check often for our sales and discounts to acquire the Half Star Hotel branded products you love.

Secure Payments

The... How? Safe secure options protecting you and your goods. Your payment information is safely secured behind industry SSL encrypted servers for your protection.